Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hillary FACING her way into victory?

When I say facing her way into victory, that is basically what this person is trying to say. They say when you look at hillary she already makes it seem like she won and is now president. They were talking about two weeks ago when she showed up on all five sunday talk shows and thats almost never been done. They say shes acts like she won the campaign by her facial expressions. To me it is just showing how confident and a strong person she really can be despite all the negativity of being a woman and running for president.
Since she's acting like she already won, it may be working with voters....and all i can say to that is "go hillary!" I think Hillary is impressing alot of people and have alot of impact on young voters. When Hillary makes an appearence and speaks, she shows no hesitation and knows what to say with confidence and strength. So what if she's acting like she won already at least someone has the balls to show how confident they are about wining and they are not a man. I'm not saying that she's better than the other candidates but she is sure making campaign 2008 one to remember. No matter if Hillary wins or not she has already changed the way we think about politics and giving other people who don't think they can make it into politics the courage to. I'm not going to say who I'm going to vote for but the impression I am getting from hillary, I will defetnetly keep her in my mind.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Obama Proposes Tax Cuts For Middle Class and Elderly

If Obama was elected president he proposed a plan to provide at least $80 billion a year in tax cuts for the middle class and elderly. Obama says he would "end the preferential treatment that's built into our tax code." Some people are already saying that if he does win and goes through with it he might get accused of waging class warfare. He would give a $500 tax credit to more than 150 million workers and also eleminate income taxes for people who make under $50,000 a year. Now this might seem to good to be true to some people, but Obama is seeking to cast himself as an advocate for working americans and to close that gap between the rich, middle class, and the poor. But Obama's plan would increase tax rates on the wealthy and some corporations for it to happen. By eliminating income taxes for people who make under $50,000 a year, Obama said 22 million people would no longer need to file an income tax return, and about 7 million would recieve a tax cut to be about $1400. So if you are the percent of people that make under $50,000 a year you might want to keep this in mind when you are voting for the next president of the United States.